The City of Los Angeles, Councilmember Mike Bonin (Council District 11) and other City Officials hosted an opening ceremony for the Argo Drain Sub-Basin Facility Project (Argo).

“As councilmember for LA’s westside coastal communities, I wholeheartedly support investments that improve the quality of our most precious natural resource, water,” said Councilmember Mike Bonin, Council District 11. “This project does that and more, by ensuring LAX meets environmental commitments and by providing open space for Westchester and Playa Del Rey.”

A partnership between the Department of Public Works, LA Sanitation and Environment (LASAN) and Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), Argo is a stormwater project located on LAWA property near the northwest corner of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) at the intersection of Westchester Parkway and Falmouth Ave.

“The Argo Drain Sub Basin Facility is the product of great partnership between LA Sanitation, LAWA, Councilmember Bonin, the Mayor and Public Works – and value proposition is enhanced water quality, less pollution on our beaches and, crucially, water capture,” said Greg Good, President of the Board of Public Works. “These are investments we’ve made for our future, helping us to achieve climate resiliency and ensure that we meet our Green New Deal goal of 100 percent recycled water.”

Argo will capture rainfall from the Argo Drain, County of LA Drain and a smaller City of LA Drain, which discharge into Santa Monica Bay. The captured flow from these three storm drains will go through a multistep treatment process and will then flow to a 8.1 million gallon underground infiltration system.

“Today’s opening of the Argo Drain sub-basin facility is thanks to a strong collaboration between the Mayor’s office, our local Council office, fellow City Departments, LAWA and the neighboring community, all of whom are working together to create a more sustainable future,” said Justin Erbacci, Chief Executive Officer, Los Angeles World Airports. “LAWA is committed to smart water management and we are proud to join our partners to help realize the City’s vision for conservation and environmental stewardship.”

The project began construction in 2018 and the total construction budget was $35.8 million.