Why is the sky blue? Where do clouds come from? Where does trash go? According to a British study, children dish out 73 questions a day!
Children are very curious and often question how and why the world works the way it does. Introducing children to environmental books not only helps them make sense of their questions but also sets the stage for a lifelong appreciation of nature and plants the seeds of environmental stewardship along the way. Hopefully, your child is already learning and engaging with environmental subjects at school, but it’s important to supplement their knowledge with books you can read at home.
So, if you’re looking to raise an eco-warrior, but need a starting point for books, we’ve got you covered. Check out these lists of recommended environmental books for your little ones:
Conservation and Activism Book Lists
- Book Trust – Eco-warriors and activists
- Social Justice Books – Environment / Climate Justice
- Social Justice Books – Food and Water Justice
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – Planet Stewards Book Club Archive
Nature Focused Book Lists
- Los Angeles Public Library – Nature Walks
- Library of Congress – Endangered and Threatened Species
- Social Justice Books – Exploring Nature
- Book Trust – Wildlife
- Book Trust – Plants and Gardens
Conservation And Environmental Educational Book Recommendations Sorted By Age
- Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy –
- Ohio EPA
- Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
Waste Reduction Focused Lists
- Book Trust – Plastic Free July
- Broome County New York – Recycling & Waste Reduction
Do you and your children have a favorite book about the environment that you like to read? We’d love to hear from you. Send us an e-mail at lastormwater@lacity.org to share your favorites.