With summer officially underway, Angelenos are ready to enjoy a good old-fashioned barbecue with friends and family. Unfortunately, barbecues tend to increase waste and can have a negative impact on our planet’s environment. But with a few small tweaks, you can have tons of summer fun while keeping Mother Earth happy. Here’s how:
Say no to charcoal grills – Grilling creates a significant amount of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere. So this year, why not consider using a propane, gas or electric grill instead. By using one of these three options, you are helping to limit air pollution generated from carbon emissions.
Hydrate responsibly – Summer celebrations usually include a lot of plastic. In place of plastic bottles, why not use refillable water containers, and remind guests to bring reusable bottles that can be refilled. If you end up using plastic bottles, be sure to recycle clean bottles in your City-issued blue bin.
Be a mindful consumer – On your grocery store run to prep for a summer barbecue, remember to buy only what you need. This includes decorations, supplies, and even food. That way, excess leftovers do not go to waste.
Reuse decorations – Keep your decorations simple and eco-friendly by reusing ones from previous years. If you end up buying new decorations this year, don’t forget to save them for next year. Remember: the less we buy, the more we keep out of landfills.
From all of us at LA Sanitation and Environment, we wish you a happy, fun and eco-friendly summer filled with enjoyable gatherings with your loved ones. Have more ideas about how to have eco-friendly summer fun? We’d love to hear from you at lastormwater@lacity.org.