Have you heard about the new outdoor water restrictions for the city of Los Angeles? While more updates may be forthcoming, on June 1st, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power instituted rules restricting the number of outdoor watering days from three to two within its entire service area. These new restrictions are designed to combat the current ‘mega-drought’ affecting Southern California and ensure resilience for all Angelenos. 


Wondering what this means for you? 

  • Limit watering days: stick to twice per week (or even once per week if possible!)
  • Set a timer: limit sprinkler use to 8 minutes, or 15 minutes for those with water conserving nozzles.
  • Watch the clock: avoid watering between the hours of 9 AM and 4 PM.
  • Stay in the know: get updates on the restrictions as they update by checking out the LADWP newspage and relaying info to friends and family.


However, it’s important to remember that a beautiful flourishing yard doesn’t even need a whole lot of water, even in the hotter months! With the right landscaping, techniques, and a little TLC, you can enjoy a lovely yard and even set an example for your neighbors. 


Looking for some waterwise yard tips?

  • Go native: California native plants are not only beautiful, but also naturally resilient to drought making them perfectly happy with less water.
  • Promote soil health: Adding compost and mulch to the yard helps protect and strengthen the soil, increasing its water retention capacity. Plus, happy soil = happy plants!
  • Ditch the turf: While grassy lawns may be nice, they are huge culprits of water guzzling. Instead of turf, consider transforming your yard into a rain garden or native plant oasis.
  • Grow it out: If you do have grass, slow your roll on mowing it down. Longer grass blades are more effective at retaining water, allowing more time in between watering. 


Ready to make changes to your yard? Be sure to check out your local water district’s website for rebates. If the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power is your provider, make sure to also look at their rebates and programs! You can get free water efficient devices for the home, rebates for outdoor water-saving devices, and incentives for lawn transformation. 




Have questions? Or maybe a waterwise project you’re excited about? Any other comments? We’d love to hear your thoughts! Send them to us at lastormwater@lacity.org.