The American Society of Civil Engineers Metropolitan Los Angeles Branch (ASCE MLAB) recently awarded the Central Jefferson and Quincy Jones Green Alley Network project with the 2023 Outstanding Sustainable Engineering Project award and the 2023 Outstanding Community Improvement Project award. The Central-Jefferson and Quincy Jones Green Alley Network project demonstrates the City’s ongoing commitment to taking action towards building a more sustainable future and creating a more water-resilient city for Angelenos. 


Developed in partnership and collaboration with Council District 9 and the Trust for Public Land (TPL), these LA Sanitation and Environment projects revitalize and transform 11 underutilized South Los Angeles alleyways. The network includes rainwater capture elements, urban greening and safer pedestrian walkways. In a normal rainy season, the network has the potential to capture more than 140,000 gallons of rainwater with the purpose of infiltrating that rainwater into underground aquifers to recharge LA’s drinking water supply. 


Additionally, the integrated multi-benefit nature of these projects will help resolve past problems that have plagued this South Los Angeles community. The projects will remove the sheet-flow of stormwater which will solve past flooding problems. The projects’ urban greening attributes will reduce the heat island effect and traffic calming features and new neighborhood lighting will increase pedestrian safety for families. 


Are you a Los Angeles resident who lives near a multi-benefit stormwater project? We’d love to hear about your experience with one of these projects. Email us at and we’ll feature you on our social media channels!