It is not a stretch to say that our city is the metropolitan hub of Southern California – a truly urban jungle of concrete roads and buildings. This only makes our surprisingly robust ecosystem of wild flora and fauna that much more surprising – even to residents. We’ve actually spoken quite a bit in the past about the surprising wealth of nature that can be found within our city limits and we’re continuing this crusade for our local population. With all the rain that’s been pouring down on our city as of late, we think this is an opportune time to dive into a topic near and dear to our organization’s heart – how improper waste disposal leads to stormwater pollution, how that pollution inevitably ends up harming our local wildlife, and a few very easy things you can do in your daily life to help LA’s ecosystem weather this storm.

Understanding the Threat:

First off, a super quick refresher on stormwater pollution for the folks in the back who haven’t gotten the memo yet. Stormwater pollution occurs when rainwater gathers up all sorts of trash, chemicals, and pollutants as it flows through our city. These pollutants are then carried into local bodies of water like the LA River, local creeks and lakes, and ultimately the Pacific Ocean. Once mixed in with the water, these pollutants are nearly impossible to get rid of and have negative effects on local wildlife (and on local human populations as well, but we’re focusing on the critters for today).

Our local fauna, from vibrant birds to elusive reptiles, face numerous challenges due to stormwater pollution. Contaminated water sources can harm aquatic life, disrupting the natural food chain and affecting the health of species that depend on clean water. Additionally, land-dwelling animals can suffer from habitat degradation caused by pollutants leaching into their environments and the plants that they feed on. 

What can you do?

Nothing good ever comes from dwelling on doom. We’re here to help you turn that anxiety into action! Listed below a few easy things you can do in your day to day life to help protect LA’s natural world from stormwater pollution. 

  1. Dispose of Household Hazardous Waste Properly: Never dump chemicals, paints, medicines, e-waste, or other forms of hazardous waste into your trash bins. Instead, always make sure to properly package and bring these sorts of materials to hazardous waste collection sites such as LA’s SAFE Centers
  2. Pick Up Pet Waste: Be a responsible pet owner by picking up after your furry friends. Pet waste contains harmful bacteria that, when washed into storm drains, can contaminate water sources. Dispose of pet waste in your City-issued black bin.
  3. Maintain Your Vehicle: Regularly check your vehicle for leaks and ensure proper maintenance. Fixing oil leaks promptly prevents harmful substances from getting washed away by stormwater and entering storm drains. When washing your car, always try to use a commercial car wash where water is treated before disposal – the chemicals you wash off your car with even biodegradable soaps will still wash into our stormwater system untreated.
  4. Educate Others: Share the knowledge. Raise awareness among friends, family, and neighbors about the impact of stormwater pollution and the simple steps they can take to make a difference.

By taking small yet impactful actions in our daily lives, we can all help contribute to the preservation of LA’s diverse wildlife. Remember that the health of our environment is interconnected with the well-being of our wildlife. Stay tuned for more updates on LA Sanitation and the Environment’s efforts to protect and preserve the natural wonders that make our city truly special. Remember, every positive action counts, and together we can create a sustainable and vibrant future for Los Angeles.

Want to know about more ways to get involved in stopping stormwater pollution and protecting our local ecosystems? We’d love to answer your questions at